Tuesday 20 August 2013

interesting fun facts of animals

  • Do you know a cat can not taste sweetness as it does not have receptors for sweetness !
  • Do you know a shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes! 
  • Do you know the mosquitoes prefer to bite people who have just eaten a banana or have smelly feet!
  • Did you know that mosquito repellents do not repel! They just block mosquito's sensors so they do not realize that you are there!It is like you having a blocked nose and unable to smell anything!
  • Do you know that 12 honeybees have too spend their whole lives to make a teaspoon of honey!
  • Do you know that elephants were known as oilphants .We started calling them elephants only after 14th century!
  • Ants stretch and yawn when they wake up in the morning!
  • Do you think cows bite grass off the ground, the answer is no !Rather they curl their tongues around it and pull !
  • Here is a cute fact!When a male penguin falls in love with a female penguin,it searches whole beach to find a perfect pebble to give as a present to her ! 
  • July 22 is celebrated in many countries as Rat-Catcher's Day!
  • Dolphins have 'names' by which they call each other just like humans do! A study at University of St.Andrews in Scotland said that the marine mammals use a unique whistle to identify each other and respond when they hear their own call played back to them.The dolphins are acting like humans;they hear their name ,they answer back!
  • Did you know that there is only one species in insects which can turn its head and the name of that species is the praying mantis!
  • Tigers are excellent swimmers and can swim upto 6.5 kms at a stretch! 
  • Do you know that female cats tend to be right pawed,while male cats happen to be more of left pawed.And another surprising fact about cats is that a cat can't climb head first down a tree because every claw on a cat's paw points the same way.A cat must back down to get down from a tree!
  • Cats and Dogs: Cats can make about 100 different sounds .Dogs make only about 10 different types of sound.
  • Do you know that to completely drain out the blood of an average human,it would take at least 1,200,000 mosquitoes, each sucking once.
  • Do you know that parrots don't have vocal chords! They produce sound by pushing air out of their trachea.
  • Gorillas have senses very similar to humans including hearing,taste,sight,touch and smell!
  • Bees have 4 wings and their buzz is the sound made by their wings which beat 11,400 times per month.
  • Flies do not grow.They are born full size.
  • Do you know that Sharks have no bones,their skeleton is made up of cartilage.
    • You always thought protein is a nutrient? But do you know snake venom is ninety percent protein.
    • They say our ancestors were either chimpanzee or monkeys. But do you know a chimpanzee can learn to recognize itself in a mirror, but monkeys can't.
    • Can you sleep with open eyes ? No ! but dolphins sleep with their eyes wide open.
    • You know lightest /smallest bird of the world ? It is Humming Bird !A coin is heavier than a hummingbird!
    • Also do you know a Humming bird can also fly backwards !
    • How many hours you can sleep ? Can you compete with snails. A snail can sleep for three years, at a stretch.
    • Do you have any friend who is left handed ? Tell them they are not the only ones, as all polar bears are left-handed.
    • Do you know things keep changing over the years? Here is one , the butterfly was originally known as the ‘flutterby’.
    • Next time when you see a Zebra ,think is a zebra black with white stripes, or white with black stripes? Well, it’s white with black stripes.
    • A camel is known as Ship of desert as it can survive long without drinking water .But do you know a rat can survive longer than a camel without water.
    • Do you know whose immune system is strongest among all animals? Sharks ! They are the most healthy, as they are immune to all known diseases.
    • Now don’t laugh, there are more dogs in Paris than there are people.
    • Do you know Australia has 17 million people but 150 million sheep.
    • Do you know that Rodeheye rockfish of the North Pacific can live more than 200 years!.
    • You have eyelids, whenever there is dust-storm or strong light ,eyelids protect your eyes .But insects and fish have no eyelids. Hardened lens protect their eyes.
    • Squirrels save our environment ! How ? Squirrels accidentally plant millions of trees, as they bury their nuts and forget where they are.
    • A baby kangaroo is called a Joey .A newborn kangaroo (joey) is smaller than a thumb!
    • Do you love dogs ? Do you know eyesight of dogs are better than that of human beings?
    • A dog shoulder blades are unattached to the rest of its skeleton to allow it greater speed while running!
    • Do you eat eggs? Keep eating as they are plenty of hens giving plenty of eggs ! On an average a hen lays 19 dozen eggs in a year.
    • Always enter a dark cave from right .You would save yourselves from bats as they always turn left when exiting a cave.
    • Now this is called elephant-size smelling power ,an elephant can smell water from a distance of three miles.
    • Milk lovers! Make a cow listen to music and there will give more milk!
    • Elephants can not run as they can not lift all 4 legs off the ground at the same time but they move at up to 25 miles per hour by using the ‘Groucho walk’ with their knees bent & body lowered.!
    • Do you know a housefly lives only for 14 days.
    • Do you know a bat is the only mammal which can fly !
    • Have you been in airplane? But do you know dog was the first animal to be sent up in space.
    • Do you know whale is largest animal .The small car on the road is probably the size of the heart of a blue whale.
    • If you thought elephant is the biggest animal, just imagine this, length of an elephant is the same as the tongue of a blue whale.
    • Are you a brainy kid ? But do you know poor Starfish don't have brains.
    • King of the jungle –Lion. You know lions spend most of their day resting as they hunt during the night hours until morning.
    • Have you ever used mosquito repellent at home ? Tell your parent s !Mosquito repellents don't repel. They hide you. The spray blocks the mosquito's sensors so they don't know you're there.
    • Now try this & prove us wrong !No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times.
    • You know Walt Disney created Mickymouse character ? But do you know Walt Disney was afraid of mice.
    • Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.
    • The only 2 animals which can see behind themselves without turning their heads are the rabbit and the parrot.
    • When hippos are upset, their sweat turns red.
    • The "nine lives" attributed to cats is probably due to their having nine primary whiskers .
    • The word Spain means "the land of rabbits."
    • A butterfly can see the colors red, green, and yellow.
    • Lions cannot roar until they reach the age of two.
    • A baby kangaroo is called a joey
    • A group of crows is called a murder.
    • In one trip, a honey bee visits about 75 flowers.
    • A sheep, a duck and a rooster were the first passengers in a hot air balloon.
    • A Glow Worm (Fire Fly) glows to attract small insects .The glow worms construct snares made from silk threads and sticky droplets to capture the insects attracted to their glow
    • Dolphins sleep with one eye open.
    • Chameleon is derived from the Greek, meaning "little lion."
    • An octopus has three hearts whereas Earthworms have 5 hearts & poor humans have only one
    • A dog by the name of Laika was launched into space aboard the Russian spacecraft Sputnik 2 in 1957.
    • A tiger's canine teeth can grow up to 3 inches long .It is easily capable of crunching through the spine of any creature of the earth.
    • You know Chameleon can chage color of its body ,but do you know the Chameleon can focus its eyes separately to watch two objects at once.
    • A bird’s heart beats 400 times per minute while they are at rest. When they are flying however, their heart could beat up to 1000 beats per minute.
    • A bird’s normal body temperature is usually 7-8 degrees hotter than humans.
    • Do you know that the humming bird can fly up, down, forward, backward and even upside down.
    • The giraffe has the highest blood pressure of any animal.
    • A giraffe can feed for up to 16 hours in a day.And it can eat up-to 60 kgs of leaves daily .
    • The ant can lift 50 times its own weight, can pull 30 times its own weight.
    • Female mosquitoes are non- vegetarian in nature and continue their existence by taking the blood of human-beings and other animals.They are only responsible for the spreading of the infectious diseases like Malaria, Dengue and Chikungunia etc.
    • Dogs have better low-light vision than humans because of a special light-reflecting layer behind their retinas.
    • There are people all over the world who eat bugs and insects as food, and the practice is called Entomophagy, which comes from the phrase “insect eating” in Greek.
    • Dog's noses are 10,000 times are more sensitive to Human ,that is why they are used in detective jobs.
    • A giraffe can grow up to 18 ft (5.5 meter) whereas an Ostrich ,the largest bird ,can reach 8 ft ,they can't fly but can run very fast.
    • You know why Flamingos are pink? Well, they feed on certain kind of algae which contains a chemical called cartenoids ,which is responsible for Pink color.In zoos, they don't get this kind of algae ,so their color fades to white.
    • A whale called humpback is famous for its singing.
    • An octopus has 3 hearts & a cow has 4 stomachs.
    • An animal epidemic is called an epizootic.
    • Dragonflies have the sharpest eyesight and largest eyes among all the insects .
    • The eyes of a sea lion are well adapted for seeing both above and below the water.
    • Male hippos use their lower canine teeth as weapons when fighting for female territory.
    • The thick coats of the camels reflects sunlight and act as a insulation from heat of the desert's sand.
    • A surprising fact about spiders: Spiders have transparent blood.
    • The Bonobo (also known as pygmy chimpanzee) makes a night nest in a tree in a new location every night .
    • The ostrich can cover 10 to 16 feet (3 to 5 meters ) in a single stride (leap) .
    • The Thorny Devil lizard from Australia drinks water through its feet .
    • Earthworms do not have lungs,they breathe through their skin .
    • Most plankton have little or no swimming ability and rely on ocean currents and tides for transport .
    • The antennae of the ant are used for smelling,tasting and touching purposes .
    • Octopuses can eject a cloud of blackish ink to escape from predators .
    • Squirrels use their tails as a signalling device to communicate .
    • Cranes have a large vocabulary of specialized calls including alarm bells .
    • Grasshoppers have 3 pairs of legs,the hind legs are longer and more powerful than other legs .
    • Hummingbirds keep hovering while eating their food,beating their wings 70 times a second .
    • Did you know that rabbits and guinea pigs don't sweat.

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